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1999: New artists dominate the final list. Entries include techno, world beat, neo-swing, classic rock, and historical.

20thh 10) 20th Century Time Capsule..........................................Various

hot 9) Hot................................Squirrel Nut Zippers

jamez 8) James............................................James

str 7) Stripped...........................................The Rolling Stones

120 6) MTV 120 Minutes Live...................................Various

ass 5) The Known Universe ........................................Ass Ponys

areu 4) Are You With Me?......................................................Cowboy Mouth

sound 3) The Sound Of Lies.............................................The Jayhawks

corn 2) When I Was Born For The 7th Time....................................Cornershop

happy 1) NEUMIE WINNER!  Mr Happy Go Lucky..............................John Mellencamp


Workin' on it!